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Jesse's Art

Why have you come? Why? We all know Jesse can't draw! Flee! Now!

Well, I try to draw. That's what really counts. Not the fact that I try. The fact that I think I can make any sort of contribution. Well, I give a big FUCK YOU! to the people who think I can, and the Kool-Aid man. Rat bastard. I'll teach you good. I hate him. Well, no, not really.

Can you imagine hot dog flavoured Kool Aid? I mean, I'd drink some, probably love it, but hide the fact that I did from all my friends. They would all say: "Ewwwww, Hot Dog Kool Aid!" and I'd join in but I'd really like it, and I know they all would too. Rat bastards.

There's no such thing as fate
"France penetrated to the heart of the continent" - History video
Hee hee!
I still have it

I hate you, Box Jam's Doodle
Buckley's makes me cry
I lost my sharpie (then found it, and lost it again)
Hee hee, nipples!
I am a tinkle fiend

Nobody should wake up at 6 am
NOW I know who she is
My belly button hurts
I scanned my spare change
I want a modded coffin
Yay for corn nuts!
Gir is my son
How I wish you were here...
Iced Tea = Napalm
I love you Vanilla Coke

Knife Casserole
Hot God Kool Aid
Hot Dog Kool Aid
I Like It
Crush All Hu-mans!

The following three are lyrics from Counting The Days, by Goldfinger
Day 1-2
Day 3-4-5-6
Day 7

Dr. Napalm
Magic Bean
Soda Love



Everything on these pages is © 2001-2002 Jesse Dybka and Tyler Goodman, unless stated otherwise. Fan comic rights belong to their respective artists. If you steal anything the gnomes will get you and make you shit yourself in public. So don't.