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Hello everyone, it is I, professor Fannhaüser.

Over the course of my professional studies in microwave technology and radiation I have come to various major conclusions, most of them involving lubricant and little kitties.

But what I share with you now is a very important piece of scientific research.


Exploding Microwave Theory Of Merging Parallel Universes
A paper by Dr. Hanz Fannhaüser

Microwaves have been known to man since the beginning of time. The Neanderthals used them to preheat delicious Michelina's meals. The Babylonians used them as a form of bartering. Yet as microwave technology becomes more and more affordable, it's quality dissipates, as is evident in the following formula.

As is it shown, the reliability of microwaves is decreasing rapidly. With this downfall in safety, a new concern in microwave technology is brought to light.

Radiation And It's Correspondance To Everyday Life
As we all know, we absorb radiation through everything in our modern lives, like television, coffee, and Chernobyl. Most of these radiation sources are contained and small, so that the cancer levels of our body do not rise noticeably.
But, with microwave safety at stake, the barriers are breaking down, and a slew of microwave explosions has been happening across the world, or at least in the parts that use microwaves.

Parallel Universe Structure and The Radiation Barrier Theory
An infinite number of universes co-exist peacefully at any given time. There is no discrepancy between them, as is shown here.

But as microwave explosions rise, the delicate barrier separating the universes is distorted.

The universes begin to merge, and this is when people see such things as deja vu, and alternate versions of themselves. This however, can also be atributed to menstruation. A quick check in the knickers should remove all doubt.

A graph shows the corrolation.

Whether you encounter yourself will depend on an assortment of things:

  • if you wear perfume
  • the cut of your underwear
  • any and all STDs you may have or have purchased in the last 30 days
  • if you run an online comic
  • if the day of the week ends in y
  • ugliness of haircut
  • Please watch out. If you see an alternate version of yourself, kill it immediately. It may or may not throw off the space-time continuum... That I'm not too sure on. Ah well, next thesis.

    Dr. Hanz Fannhaüser



    Everything on these pages is © 2001-2002 Jesse Dybka and Tyler Goodman, unless stated otherwise. Fan comic rights belong to their respective artists. If you steal anything the gnomes will get you and make you shit yourself in public. So don't.