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Legal Stuff

Hey. This is Jesse. Apart from actual legal stuff, like, don't steal our comics, this is essentially a page used to insult you.

So I might as well get to the boring stuff. Like:
All material contained on this site, including but not exclusive to images and text, are property of Jesse Dybka and Tyler Goodman, unless stated or implied otherwise.

There. No stealing, ass-clown!

Man, you're stupid and ugly. No wonder nobody likes you.
You're probably really lonely too, due to your ugliness, and the fact that you have no personality.

And because you have no personality, I figure you're stupid.

I bet you'll die lonely too. No spouse, no kids. You'll sit there crying as the only person you thought was your friend is pulling the plug to your life support, after he pushed you down the stairs.

I'm so glad I don't have to look at you right now. You're so ass ugly your parents probably beat you around, only adding to the ugliness.

You've also never had sex. Do you even know what the opposite sex looks like? Oh, I suppose you would. All you spend your worthless life on is looking at porn and jacking off into a bucket.


I'm so sorry. Thank you for coming.



Everything on these pages is © 2001-2002 Jesse Dybka and Tyler Goodman, unless stated otherwise. Fan comic rights belong to their respective artists. If you steal anything the gnomes will get you and make you shit yourself in public. So don't.