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Search Strings and Other Hilarity

This page is dedicated to funny things we've found in our logs report. Most of it is all search strings. I can't believe the stuff people look for...

This page will be updated every month with new strings and such.

    Search Strings September 2002:

  • rape comic (Over 36 percent of our hits from search strings were from rape comic. I hate my life. No. I hate YOUR lives.)
  • rape comics (This accounted for another 10 and a half percent. *weeps*)
  • comic- say no to drugs (Tyler and I, of course, are the biggest anti-drug comic people you will ever meet.)
  • depression comics (I bet a depression comic is really badly drawn and sucks a lot of ass, so webcomic artists can look at it and pull themselves out of a funk.)
  • drawn breasts (WHO LOOKS FOR DRAWN BOOBS ON THE INTERNET?? People, this is the porn capital of the world. Take advantage of it.)
  • drugs comics (Yeah guy, this is my picture of Timmy McMullet shootin' crack. GUFFAW, FUCKER. YOU ARE STUPID.)
  • fan comics (I have nothing witty to say to this.)
  • funny comic (Why specify? Is someone going to put "not-funny" in their description?)
  • info on bison (Big. Furry. Tastes good.)
  • internet comics porn (Yeah. I'd be ashamed that we get so many hits from Joey Jack-off looking for porn, but hey, exposure is exposure.)
  • mcdonalds rape (FUCK ME RONALD! YES YES YES!! God, this is just wrong.)
  • thirteen ghosts fan art (Thanks devoted 13 Ghosts Fan #1923!)

    Search Strings August 2002:

  • microwave explosions (I'm still not sure what to make of people looking for exploding appliances. If anyone finds any ACTUAL exploding microwave websites, please tell me!)
  • rape comic (This is a pretty prevalent theme in a comic WHICH HAS NO RAPE... aww, except that comic I drew where Tyler got raped... But still, people shouldn't be looking for this shit.)
  • jesse boy free porn (As I said on Livejournal, only one person gets free Jesse porn. What's even worse than someone looking this up is TWO people looking it up. Ugh.)
  • amplifier ringing in your head (Whoring hits off of Bob Seger. Classic)
  • bison comics (Hey look, Timmy! It's called the 'outside world!')
  • buffalo burger nutritional info (Buffalo burgers are the best burgers you will ever, ever eat. EVER.)
  • comics porno mexico (At least they didn't look up mexican ass clown porn.)
  • fan sites thirteen ghosts (I bet it's the same person each month who looks up Thirteen Ghosts.)
  • free porn comics -hentai (Wow. -Hentai. Someone is being selective in their search for cartoon women taking it hard.)
  • jacking off comics (Is there a subgenre here that I'm not aware of?)
  • jesse tyler porn (Ohhh, Kelly.)
  • later in the evening as you lie awake in bed with the echoes of (See above comment on whoring and Bob Seger.)
  • microwave technology safety (It amazes me that our site's description explains that we are an internet comic, yet people still try to find SAFETY guides. Do I seem a safe person? Does Tyler? The answer, putrid humans, is no.)
  • porn comic (I'm not even gonna bother.)
  • porn comics (...)
  • rape´s comic (Okay. Not only does this not make sense, the person used the ` instead of the '. Oh, people, you so STUPID.)

    Search Strings Pre-August 2002:

  • jocko the stuffed monkey (granted, I DO have a stuffed monkey named Jocko)
  • nutritional value 92% lean ground beef (mmmm... comic beef)
  • badly drawn kitties (not quite there, bucko jim)
  • calvin and hobbes last comic (way off, bucko jim's friend)
  • comic porn (yeah, we all wish)
  • ham leaner beef (this makes no sense)
  • Ooh, June was a dandy for funny search strings:

  • free funny porn comic (free funny porn comics? Who does this guy think we are? Talented people?)
  • free sexual adventure comics (again, the people on this planet never cease to amaze me)
  • like penny arcade like penny arcade (why twice?)
  • thirteen ghosts fan pages (I don't understand this one, judging by the fact that we have no 13 Ghosts mentioned ANYWHERE)
  • And July was a doozy too! (but no mon porn free)

  • at what temperature do you cook ham steaks (I DON'T KNOW)
  • buffalo burger nutritional value (why do more people find our comic looking for meat then they do looking for humour?)
  • comics for parties (hey guys, get rid of that keg, it's COMIC TIME!)
  • cooking bison roast (bison roast turns me on)
  • cooking ham steroids (WHAT?)
  • here i am on the road again (I posted the Bob Seger lyrics as one news post... but still)
  • legality of love (last I checked it was okay)
  • nutritional value bison burgers (always with the bison)
  • porn comics (and the porn)

    Other Funny Things:

  • Two of our referrers in July were "(compatible" and "XXXX:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++." I don't understand.
  • 41 of our hits this month came from a User Agent (web browser, etc.) known as 'Fuck McFuck OmniWeb/4.1-v422'



Everything on these pages is © 2001-2002 Jesse Dybka and Tyler Goodman, unless stated otherwise. Fan comic rights belong to their respective artists. If you steal anything the gnomes will get you and make you shit yourself in public. So don't.