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Jesse - sloghead@hotmail.com - Jesse's Livejournal
Currently maintains the site.
Does most of the actual work for this.
Apparently he has a nice ass.

Born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, he befriended his um, friend, Tyler at the ripe age of whatever age he was in grade 7, he thinks. Damn, this is weird writing in third person.

In any case, if Jesse wasn't so ugly, or had a scanner, he'd show you a pic. (ooh, look, there is one now!)

Anyway, Jesse can't draw for the life in him. In fact, he's so bad, he couldn't draw a thing that's easy to draw. I'm insulting myself. This is odd.

Yeah, so Tyler came in on the drawing business. Then Lynn came through on the scanning business. We love you Lynn!

So Jesse plays guitar, and alto/bari sax. He loves music. He also loves his stuffed monkey Jocko. Jocko is ever so cool.


Tyler - tylerguy28@hotmail.com - Tyler's Livejournal
Screws things up.
Fucks Jesse's kleenex.
Wastes food that could be eaten by starving children.
Thinks nerd glasses will make him look cool.

Also born and raised in Ottawa, he befriended Jesse the same time Jesse befriended him, coincedentally.
He can draw pretty well. Unfortunately, he is lazy, much like Jesse. Therefore, they employed the Dr. Lobster approach to their online comic. Use the same damn pictures over and over. And it's great.

Tyler also plays drums, and respects the hell out of Jocko, or Jocko beats him.

Tyler is also ugly.



Everything on these pages is © 2001-2002 Jesse Dybka and Tyler Goodman, unless stated otherwise. Fan comic rights belong to their respective artists. If you steal anything the gnomes will get you and make you shit yourself in public. So don't.